Lipoic Acid Supreme is a mixture of high dose lipoic acid, biotin, and taurine, which all support blood sugar and insulin balance. Lipoic acid increases the need for biotin by lowering levels of biotin dependent enzymes. Thus Lipoic Acid should always be taken with biotin. Lipoic Supreme contains lipoic acid, biotin, and taurine which all support blood sugar and insulin balance, making a great combination. Lipoic Acid has been extensively researched for its applications in diabetes, blood sugar metabolism, heavy metal detoxification, liver health, hepatitis, and diabetic neuropathy.3 Lipoic acid has also been found to slow the aging process and help prevent wrinkling by protecting collagen in the skin. Most importantly, it has been found to be an essential supplement for diabetics to optimize the function of the insulin receptors.
Benefits of Lipoic Acid Supreme:
Diabetes & Blood Sugar metabolism
Powerful Antioxidant
Mercury & heavy metal elimination
Reduces risk of cancer
Liver disease
Protection against toxins and pollutants
Protects against extra-cellular LDL cholesterol
Heart disease: Decreases tissue damage of heart attack or stroke
Weight Loss
Vitamin C and vitamin E regenerator
Prevents free radical damage in the brain, blood, stored fat, and in the heart, pancreas, kidneys, bones, cartilage, and liver.