
If you are reading this, you have probably already tried a few approaches to feel better.
Perhaps you saw several doctors, maybe even specialists and you may have even tried to change your diet and take supplements. Some things may have worked while others may seem like you are spinning your wheels, going around in circles or just simply feeling worse!
This is not uncommon because so often, the providers you may have seen have certain specialties and may not be looking at you as a whole person. We often meet people who saw a gastroenterologist for their digestive issues, an endocrinologist for their fatigue and an allergist for issues with foods and got no resolution because those doctors don’t speak to each other and are just looking at their areas without connecting them all and therefore people get very disjointed care.
The reality is that everything in the body is intricately connected so looking at your issues as a whole rather than a subset of symptoms and supporting your individual biochemistry is going to yield the best results.
We understand that each person is extremely unique and therefore custom tailor each consultation.
MEET Elizabeth Mosher, MS, CNS
Our one-on-one program director
Beth Mosher is a board Certified Nutrition Specialist® and holds a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition. She has been working with Inna and been a part of the Complete Nutrition and Wellness team since 2012. Beth is a science based functional nutritionist who specializes in personalized nutrition protocols to address the root causes of health issues and symptoms. She helps her clients create personalized nutrition and lifestyle protocols to address symptoms and create a lifestyle for health optimization. She uses an individualized approach to address digestive disorders, gut health, inflammation, pain syndromes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, childhood developmental delays, attention disorders, skin issues, sleep issues, blood sugar issues, detoxification issues, food chemical sensitivities, allergies, adrenal issues, menopausal issues, autoimmune reactivity as well as diagnosed autoimmune diseases.
With 2 kids of her own, Beth has a lot of experience of working with children and knows how to approach difficult situations. Beth’s comprehensive approach helps both kids and adults get to the root of their ailments and balance the body to achieve optimal health.

Beth is continuously researching new and exciting protocols and has become an expert in genetic test interpretation and optimizing biochemical pathways such as methylation. She is determined to find answers to your health issues and by combining the information she gathers from your health history and the sophisticated tests that we offer, she is able to get to the bottom of what is going on.
After taking a very detailed health history, Beth discusses options with her clients so she can work together with them to complete their health objectives.
We can use blood work as well as some of our cutting-edge functional testing to look for imbalances that can be affecting health issues and symptoms. We will look at nutrient deficiencies or imbalances, excesses, toxins, genetics, detox abilities and stressors that appropriately fit each person’s unique situation to help create a balance and optimization! We will leave no stone unturned and get to the root cause of symptoms and health issues!
Beth will then customize a program based on your individual biochemistry while taking into account your lifestyle, specific goals and preferences.
Beth will motivate, educate and support you as you make powerful shifts in your life.
You can now finally get to the root of your health issue without giving up all that you love in life because when done correctly and customized especially for you, just the right changes yield big results.
Initial Consultation $595
In the initial consultation (by phone or video) you and Beth will discuss all of your health concerns, go through a very detailed health history and set health goals. Beth will go over your diet, educate you on what foods are best for you and help you construct healthy meals. She will also recommend specific tests that would be most beneficial for you depending on your concerns and overall goals.
Most of the tests can be performed at home and you will receive a kit so that you can take the samples (urine, saliva, hair) at home and mail it directly to the lab in a prepaid envelope. If any blood work may be needed, we will coordinate with a phlebotomist or your nearest lab.
The first appointment is extremely thorough so please allow at least an hour and a half to 2 hours when planning your visit.
First Follow Up -$375
We notify you when the test results come back (which usually takes 3-4 weeks) and set up a follow-up consultation where Beth will discuss your results and explain all the findings in a simple and easy to understand manner (she likes to go line by line to make sure you have a full understanding of your results and their effect on how you feel).
She will then design a custom nutritional regimen to address all the imbalances uncovered in your results from all angles. She will also continue to address diet and lifestyle to build on what you learned in the previous session so that you have all the tools you need for optimal success with your health challenges. This appointment is about one and a half hours.
Follow Up Consultation - $225
After the first follow-up, clients usually speak to Beth once a month for a few months, however frequency and length of support typically depends on your concerns, ailments and coaching needs. Some clients speak to us regularly, every few weeks while others pop in every few months or annually based on their needs.
Unfortunately, we are not able to bill insurance directly, however we can provide you with all the necessary receipts and CPT codes so you can send them in for reimbursement. Depending on your insurance plan you may be eligible to get partially or even fully reimbursed.
Our services are however fully covered under most flexible spending plans. Our testing may be reimbursable as well. You can call your insurance carrier directly to find out the details of your plan.
The quickest way to make an appointment or to get any further information is to email us
We are waiting to support you!
You are in amazing hands with Beth because she believes strongly in the power of nutrition and in the innate ability of the human body to heal and restore balance. Beth approaches each client with a personalized nutritional approach based on their individualized needs and objectives.
She works with each of her clients to devise personalized nutrition programs to help them restore balance and health within their body systems. This process includes restoring gut health and removing inflammatory triggers, balancing methylation issues, restoring vitamin and mineral deficiencies, determining the most beneficial personalized dietary strategy, balancing thyroid and adrenal issues, restoring detoxification ability as well helping her clients identify and address stressful triggers in their lives that may be contributing directly to their metabolic symptoms.
Email us to schedule your appointment
Your life turns out completely different when you are supporting your individual biochemistry because what we put into our bodies changes everything. You really are what you eat!
However this is only the beginning.
While diet is the foundation, just changing to healthier foods does not unfortunately guarantee their proper absorption and assimilation by your body, at least not initially.
This is often because most of us have various imbalances that overtime prevent our body from functioning properly.
The best way to describe it is with our “bucket” analogy. Imagine that when we are born, we all get a bucket. Ideally, that bucket should be empty, but oftentimes, if your mother had certain health issues or problems in pregnancy, those may end up in our bucket.
As we live our life, most of us will undoubtedly experience stress, exposure to toxins from countess chemicals, heavy metals such as mercury, pollutants in our food, water and environment, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals from improper eating and inflammation from various foods just to name a few, which all go into your bucket.
Just like we are all different, our buckets come in different shapes and sizes and thus can fill up at different times. Once the bucket is filled to the top, when you put one more thing in(this can be a very small thing like having an extra drink at a party), just as the straw that breaks the camel’s back, the bucket starts to overflow and symptoms develop.